Welcome to The Rumford Club
Originally formed in 1947 to address mainly technical topics around air movement such as air conditioning. The Rumford club has developed a broader view of potential subjects within the built environment and engineering services sector. The club provides an opportunity for professionals from an array of fields to meet and debate the issues of the past, present and future.
The Rumford club is a social dining and debate club with regular dinner meetings which are typically held in London. Each dinner has a keynote speaker and topic of debate. An overview of this year’s programme can be found here.
The Rumford club is a member’s club attracting consultants, contractors, manufacturers, educators and researchers and many more across the sectors. We aim to be inclusive rather than exclusive and we regularly welcome dinner guests. There are no age restrictions. However, we do ask that members are expected to have sufficient understanding and experience within the industry and contribute actively to the dinners, reputation and wellbeing of the club.